2.0.22: - controld3 moves Robotino at very low velocities 2.0.21: - publish topics only if data from restserver is not empty 2.0.20: - laserd3 uses latest urg-library - comments in conf files are shown as tooltips in web interface 2.0.19: - laserd3 shared memory for communication to SmartRobotinoLaserServer - REST API poweroutput 2.0.18: - watchdog controld3 - independent path to robview_interpreter in autostart 2.0.17: - https://us-bz3.devzing.com/servicerobotics/show_bug.cgi?id=393 - https://us-bz3.devzing.com/servicerobotics/show_bug.cgi?id=394 - https://us-bz3.devzing.com/servicerobotics/show_bug.cgi?id=396 - https://us-bz3.devzing.com/servicerobotics/show_bug.cgi?id=400 - https://us-bz3.devzing.com/servicerobotics/show_bug.cgi?id=401 - example programs stop when bumper is pressed 2.0.16: - restapid set file permissions of uploaded Robotino View programm to rw for everybody 2.0.15: - fix navigation bar in web interface 2.0.14: - festo style for web interface 2.0.13: - fixed bug in realsensed. Stopped working with multiple destinations. 2.0.12: - calculate highest resolution common to all attached monitors - start controld3, rpcd and joystickd with high priority (nice=-10) 2.0.11: - realsensed link to API 2.23.0 - start realsensed for USB devices 0b07 and 0b3a - limit vx,vy,omega to keep robot reactive at high speeds - omnidrive_percent topic implemented 2.0.10: - realsensed link to API 2.22.0 2.0.9: - fix bug in service page of web-interface 2.0.8: - include screenlayout files 2.0.7: - support for mecanum drivesystem 2.0.6: - new channels for REST-API (see https://wiki.openrobotino.org/index.php?title=Rest_api) - build laserd3 and restapid for Windows 2.0.5: - fixed bug when restoring default configuration created invalid NetWorkManager eth0 connection - restapid handles login and sessions - control.html shows image from cam0 2.0.4: - service and io web interface 2.0.3: - realsensed link to API 2.18.0 2.0.2: - fixed wrong paths in reconfigure_wlan0.sh - fixed missing symlink /usr/bin/confmerge 2.0.1: - config restart items with optional cmd. name is interpreted as service name to be started and stopped. 2.0.0: - depends on robotino-dev 1.3.0: - with start scripts for realsensed and restapid - with dependencies to realsense and cpprestapi 1.2.6: - rpcd fills imageinfo topic 1.2.5: - fixed a bug with grappler: grapplerd lost connection to hardware after a few seconds. Changed the way how to read the serial line in grappler lib 1.2.4: - fcgid upload programs to /tmp/upload_programs and copy as root to /home/robotino/programs - fcgid send logs to /tmp/fgcid.log 1.2.3: - Robotino3 internal gyroscope at 1e29:0411 1.2.0: - laserd3 supports all Hokuyo URG rangefinders by using http://urgnetwork.sourceforge.net/html/ 1.1.9: - RPLidar (www.slamtec.com) support 1.1.8: - map Hokuyo rangefinders to /dev/scanner and publish data on scan0 topic 1.1.7: 0.9.20: - start laserd2 only if smartsoft is not installed bug fixes: - 81: After using omnidrive topic switch to single motor mode when using motor_setpoints topic 0.9.13: fleetcomd pass communication between fcgid and SmartFestoFleetCom component through fleetcomd to make features of SmartFestoFleetCom available to API2 0.9.7: controld3 compensate gyro drift internal gyroscope is disabled by default ftdid does not support NorthStar by default. Use -NS command line option 0.7.8: run restore_default_configuration