Proposal for equipment

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Proposal for equipment

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Based on the finished scene you can finally generate a proposal for equipment, which contains all the information, e.g. descriptions and article numbers (if available) of the individual objects.


The standard proposal for equipment comprises three pages:

The title page contains the title and a screen shot of the current view.
The second page contains a plan view of the scene with all the objects including object numbers, descriptions and infrastructure.
The third page contains the parts list.


To have the proposal for equipment generated automatically, simply click on "Proposal for equipment" in the "File" menu. It is then displayed in a separate window. It can then be exported as a Postscript or PDF document, as an HTML page or as an OpenDocument text. The user decides whether the target document should contain the second page with the plan view and the descriptions.


Page 1 - Title and 3D view

Page 1 - Title and 3D view


Page 2 - Plan view and descriptions

Page 2 - Plan view and descriptions


Page 3 - Parts list

Page 3 - Parts list