Language files

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Language files

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The English texts are contained in the program code itself and are used as the basis for translations.

All files that relate to the translation of LabCreator are located in the "translations" subfolder of the installation folder (usually "C:\Program Files\Didactic\LabCreator").


Language files in the "translations" folder

Language files in the "translations" folder


For every additional language there is one file each for every program module that contains the translations. All these files have the extension ".qm". As you can easily see from the figure, there are five modules: "labcreator", "rec_vrlab", "rec_video", "rec_qt" and "qt". There is already a German, English and Spanish translation for each module, except for "qt". "qt" contains all the translations that were supplied with the Qt toolkit by Trolltech.


There is a template file with the name "<Modulname>_untranslated.ts" for every program module. These templates can be used as a basis for as many additional translations as needed.


The "translations.xml" file contains the language definitions. This is where you need to specify what translations should be offered. By default the file has the following content:


 <language shortName="de" fullName="Deutsch"></language>
 <language shortName="en" fullName="English"></language>
 <language shortName="fr" fullName="Français"></language>
 <language shortName="es" fullName="Español"></language>


To offer translation into Italian, for instance, only one relevant line needs to be filled in:


 <language shortName="de" fullName="Deutsch"></language>
 <language shortName="en" fullName="English"></language>
 <language shortName="fr" fullName="Français"></language>
 <language shortName="es" fullName="Español"></language>
 <language shortName="it" fullName="Italiano"></language>


For LabCreator to display the desired languages later on, you must now create the files "qt_it.qm", "rec_qt_it.qm", "rec_video_it.qm", "rec_vrlab_it.qm" and "labcreator.qm" The "Linguist" tool required to do this is explained in the next section.