Online update

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Online update

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Automatic software updates for LabCreator can be obtained with the help of the LabCreator server. For this, you must be connected to the LabCreator server and select the "Check for updates" menu item listed under "Help". If there is a version that is newer than the one installed on the system, the user can download it and save it in any folder of the file system.


As soon as the download is complete LabCreator can be updated automaticalle or later manually. For manual installation, exit LabCreator and then process the downloaded file.


If Auto-Connect is activated and you are already connected to the LabCreator server at program start, you will automatically be notified about any updates a few seconds after program start.


If there is no direct Internet connection and you need to use a proxy, you may need to provide LabCreator with the proxy and possibly the access data in the Options dialog box beforehand.