Structure and concept of user interface

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Structure and concept of user interface

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When starting up Robotino® View an empty project with a single "Robotino" device is opened. The complete workspace is taken up by the project.









Title bar

Shows the name of the current project (Unnamed). If there are unsaved changes within the project, the project name is followed by a *.
Next to the project name the application name and application version is shown (here Robotino View version 2.2.4).
Default buttons to minimize, maximize and closing.


Menu bar

Menus to load/save, edit, view ...


Tool bar

Quickly accessible buttons to the function from the menus.
Buttons to start and stop the simulation.
Input box for Robotini's IP address and connect button (see Robotino tool bar).
Festo Logo with Link to the Festo homepage.


Program selector

Here you can switch between the main program and the subprograms of a project. The subprogram "Step1" is visible at present.


Program workspace

Here the program is viewed and edited.

The workspace can be scaled up and down with F3 and Shift + F3 or the corresponding commands in the View menu. Alternatively the magnifier function can be user: after activating the tool the workspace can be scaled up or down by using the left or right mouse button or the mouse wheel.

Obviously, the subprogram "Step1" is empty.


Function block library

The function blocks available for programming are displayed here.


Status bar

Shows information about project and application status.