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The menu bar provides numerous functions:


"File" menu:

"New Scene" - create a new, empty scene
"Open..." - open an existing scene
"Save" - save the current scene
"Save as..." - save the current scene under a new name
"Export..." - export the scene as VRML2 or save the current view as a PNG image file
"Print..." - print the scene
"Proposal for equipment..." - generate a proposal for equipment
"Close" - close the current scene
"Recent Files" - scenes opened last
"Exit" - exit LabCreator


"Edit" menu:

"Undo" - undo the last activity
"Redo" - redo the most recently undone activity
"Cut" - cut out the selected objects and copy them to the clipboard
"Copy" - copy the selected objects to the clipboard
"Delete" - delete the selected objects
"Select All" - select all objects
"Clear Selection" - deselect all the selected objects
"Group Selection" - group selected objects
"Ungroup Selection" - ungroup selected objects


"View" menu:

"Show model library" - show or hide the model library
"Show object properties" - show or hide the model properties
"Show flight recorder" - show or hide the flight recorder
"Show rulers in top view" - show or hide rulers in the Viewer (only plan view); this setting is saved in the scene.
"Show coordinate system" - show or hide the coordinate system in the Viewer; this setting is saved in the scene.
"Show object numbers" - show or hide the object numbers above the models; this setting is saved in the scene.
"Show measuring points" - show or hide all measuring or control points (at measure labels, wall or line segments); this setting is saved in the scene.
"Show measures" - show or hide all dimensions; this setting is saved in the scene.
"Show ground" - show or hide the ground; this setting is saved in the scene.
"Show color gradient" - show or hide the background gradient


"Extras" menu:

"Create measurement tool" - dimensioning
"Create measurement along X axis" - dimensioning along the X-axis
"Create measurement along Z axis" - dimensioning along the Z-axis
"Create angle measurement" - angle measurement
"Languages" - set the language
"Model library" - submenu of the model library:
"Reload" - reload
"Check for updates" - check for latest models
"Options..." - program settings


"Help" menu:

"Contents..." - open this help file
"Check for updates" - online update
"About..." - information about LabCreator


Upon right-clicking a context menu listing the following opens in the Viewer:

"Cut" - cut out the selected objects and copy them to the clipboard
"Copy" - copy the selected objects to the clipboard
"Paste" - insert objects from the clipboard to the current cursor position
"Delete" - delete the selected models
"Group Selection" - group selected objects
"Ungroup Selection" - ungroup selected objects
"Reset camera" - reset the current camera to the starting position